Posts Tagged ‘ blogs ’

8 Tips for Writing Better Blogs

The new ‘it’ thing in the world of the internet is to have a blog. Companies keep blogs, employees keep blogs, experts of all kind keep blogs. Your friends have blogs and their friends have blogs and everyone wants you to read and follow what they say. Unfortunately, most of the blogs out there fail to deliver whatever it is they promise to get a reader base. They are the second cousin to politicians; all smiles to lure you in and then all you find are empty promises.

Most people read blogs for one of two reasons: to gain information on a subject of interest or for simple entertainment. If I decide to follow your blog because it claims to give advice and tips about running a business, then it damn well better or you are wasting my time.

Follow these simple tips for writing your blogs and your reader base will grow. People respond to quality content, all you have to do is give it to them.


  1. Make blog titles that clearly outline the subject of the blog. No one likes being mislead.
  2. Know your audience. If you enticed people by talking about car maintenance, do not suddenly switch to dancing.
  3. Brainstorm potential blog ideas. Create a list of them that you continually increase.
  4. Be passionate. As in conversation, so it is with writing. People can tell when you are writing on a subject that you find boring. Talk about what you know and what gets you excited.
  5. No rambling. Have a reason for your blog posts and avoid writing nonsense.
  6. It pays to plan ahead. The best way to get your point across is to make a layout about what you want to say and how you want to say it.
  7. People have short attention spans, except when they are involved in a subject of great interest. Do not be afraid to get in depth on hot topics that interest you. Chances are, your readers will greatly appreciate it.
  8. Make a schedule for publishing new blogs and stick to it. Your followers are not mind readers, so do not keep them in suspense about the next new post.

I hope this helps. To be a good blogger, you must have a deep interest in your subject and a desire to satisfy your reader base. Take the steps to do that and they will stick with you.