Posts Tagged ‘ Online Marketing ’

Popularity is a Great Marketing Tool

By no means, is this a new idea. It is more along the lines of an often, overlooked tactic for creating interesting content for viewers. Current trends in entertainment and news are spread through social networks, online and off, like wild fire. If you are struggling to make your own content interesting, a great way to beef it up is linking it to what is popular. Find an angle that combines a main topic of your website with an issue in the forefront of your industry or a related one. It is a very simple concept that is followed by very few websites. The ones that do make use of this little trick, tend to be wildly successful.

Let me break it down for you. There are entire websites, based around nothing other than what is popular in the news or entertainment. Celebrities are always popular. Combine that with a gossip blog and you get a celebrity gossip blog. Thousands of these exist, one of the foremost being the blog by Perez Hilton. This man has made an actual living out of gossiping about what is popular in the celebrity world. TechCrunch is another site that is based entirely on what is popular and current in technology. Both of these sites are visited by thousands, looking for stories, information and media on the top issues in their industries.

While the above mentioned sites are more towards the extreme of my topic, they are clear examples of what catering to popularity can do for your website. Of course, not everyone is looking to do just that. Taking what is popular and using it in a means to help increase the interest in your own subject is the real goal. Running a website about protecting the planet? Maybe you should mention the steps towards green energy many businesses are taking. While you are at it, throw in a few articles about the rising cost of conventional energy sources. Is your website about politics? Find and focus on the big issues facing politicians in our country. Do some research and address the major concerns that are plaguing voters. Whatever you do, don’t only write about your own private opinions that may or may not relate to anyone else.

Website content must always be relevant to your target audience and the information they desire. That means that you cannot limit your website to one specific line of content. Find ways to link that content to other topics that interest your visitors. It will increase your traffic and help retain future visitors.



Writing Quality Content Online

By now, most people who know anything about the Internet know that content is king. Top websites are constantly adding more to hold onto their stake in the online popularity contest. I guess the question is what are you doing about writing your web content? It should be something that was planned out and is constantly being adjusted and increased. Has it been attracting the right people? Has it been attracting visitors at all? If not, there is a reason and the sooner you find out what it is, the sooner you can fix it. The web content you produce may not be geared towards the ideal visitor of your website, which means what you are writing is for no one and is not doing one thing for you.

Problems with writing web content can come at you from many different angles. No matter what it is you write about, there are always different approaches that can be taken to the subject. For instance, a website that sells mixed nuts should approach their content in a certain way. Their number one concern is to convince people to buy mixed nuts from the website, so all the content should be focused on that goal. Information found on the website should filter towards that end. Look at the people most likely to buy the mixed nuts. Do they like anything about mixed nuts other than eating them? Are customers interested in hearing about the favorite mixed nuts of famous people? Do they like reading about the health benefits of certain nuts? How about attacking the area that deals with mixing mixed nuts (with other snacks)? There is an amazing amount of different ways to direct your writing, regardless of how small you think your subject.

If you are trying to attract a certain type of visitor, then it stands to reason that researching likely topics of interest within the theme of your website is worthwhile. If you are attempting to attract beginner chess players with a website, then it would be a bad idea to talk about a highly technical analysis of a game between two grandmasters. Consider your target audience and try to write from an angle they would, could and should relate.

Not sure how to go about doing that?  Ask yourself these questions as you plan the web content:

  • How do I describe the target audience of my website?
  • Am I advertising to more than one group of people? If so, do I have areas for all the different groups?
  • Does each page in my website serve a specific purpose?
  • Can I describe my ideal visitor?
  • Is my content relevant to my ideal visitor?
  • Am I providing proof for my assertions?
  • Is there a point of interest on each page?

If you still cannot figure out a way to reach your ideal customers, try relating it to a product, service or message that has had success with you. What was done to get and keep your attention? What did they tell you about? What did they show you? Maybe some of those tactics can be made to work for you.

If you want people to learn English, talk about how easy it is to learn it or talk about how hard it is without knowing the language. Either angle emphasizes learning English. One angle may catch more people than the other.

Creating great web content is about knowing which angle to cater towards the most for success and if it’s even worth having sections to handle other angles.

Make Twitter Work

Have you heard about Twitter? I am sure you have, at least, heard the name. No, it is not the latest social fad. No, it is not a new way for kids to tell other kids useless things. Abandon all preconceived notions and assumptions for what you think Twitter is and what it is capable of doing. It is time to take a real look at this social media platform and realize its true potential.

First of all, for those that do not know, Twitter is a free instant messaging platform for social media. Everyone can use. Send a message and any of your followers can read it or any other Twitter users can search it out. Speaking of users, there are millions of them on Twitter; talk about an untapped market if you are not making use of this application. According to the State of the Twittersphere report (which I found using Twitter), 5 to 10 thousand people join Twitter every day. That has accumulated to over 5 million members to date. Check around your industry, I bet the leaders have Twitter accounts with plenty of followers. If, somehow, they don’t, then consider this your chance to jump out way ahead of the curve. The benefits this platform can bring to your marketing efforts and overall business cannot be denied.

The founder of Duct Tape Marketing, John Jantsch , commented on three huge advantages of Twitter: “(1) I get great insight when I ask questions, (2) let’s face it, I get traffic and (3) people on Twitter spread my thoughts to new places.”

Bestselling author David Meerman Scott said, “I have personally connected with hundreds of people I otherwise wouldn’t have, and I booked an interview on NPR and a big daily newspaper using Twitter.”

Even Business Week wrote an article that surveyed 18 CEOs and how they’re using Twitter to help their businesses.

The advantages of using it are being seen by everyone and it’s time you saw them too.

For the most part, the uses for marketing boil down to tracking and directing attention. Find out how people of influence think and feel about topics related to your business. Use this information to improve your marketing efforts on all mediums.

Twitter acts as a great traffic generating tool for your website. Make announcements and post links for to new content through it.

Connect with current and potential customers like never before. Twitter practically demands two-way customer engagement. Personal branding is a real option. Obtain customer feedback quicker and from a wider base. Have the ability to notify customers of new deals or information concerning your business.

Get creative and come up with great content to send out to your followers. It shouldn’t be too hard, you only have 140 characters to fill. The only real problem with Twitter is that once you get into it, the process may suck you in. Keep vigilant on your time management and make use of available tools that make Tweeting less of a time sink. Some of the better ones are: TweetLater , BUDurls , TwitterFox , and Twitter for Facebook. Track, manage and automate your Twitter efforts with these and more.

Remember to treat your Twitter profile kind of like a website: always add new, relevant content, promote your profile everywhere you can, and make sure to budget your time properly. Turn this free instant messaging platform into another super tool for your online marketing and business.