Guide Your Web Content

Content is king. Everywhere a person can look to find information about how to make their website better, that message is found. Get quality content and make sure your website is fully optimized. Experts suggest that all the text for each page should have a certain percentage of a specific key word or phrase. If you carry this line of thinking too far, the website you create will end up looking and sounding boring and distant. Avoid letting SEO tactics guide your content. The content you create for each page on your website should have a reason behind it, other than its good for your SEO. It should be serving a purpose. Today, capturing the attention of visitors is a deed with a strict time limit. Getting to the point and focusing your content to the overall theme of your company’s message is practically necessary.

Its about 10 seconds. Frankly, I am being generous. Its probably less.

A visitor will click onto your landing page, give what they can immediately see a quick vertical glance, and decide to stay or click away. It happens that fast. It behooves you to get to the point on the home page and landing pages. Get your message across and the ideas you want to promote out in front.

Visitors and customers will respond positively to upfront, honest boasts, as apposed to the bad taste murky promises leave in your mouth. With the crazy amount of scams and gimmicks assaulting the senses on a daily basis, consumers crave companies that project sincerity, originality and stability. Reflect these qualities through commitment to one message to consumers and developing a reputation for delivering.

The method and focus should transition to each page of the website. Don’t leave me in suspense when I click to a new page on your site. Tell me why I am here and what this page is doing for me. Make sure the rest the the content reflects the original interest of the page. Mesh your efforts with the intent to increase on-site optimization, planning key words or phrases for each page of your website. This will not only optimize it, but help keep the focus of the content in line with the intent behind the pages creation. This method leads to original content creation that reflects well upon the company as a whole. Create content and become an authority because you are the authority and not because you faked it.

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